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Create Impactful Digital Signage Videos with These Essential Tips

Digital signage has opened new avenues of marketing, brand image building, and a medium for information. It also enables businesses to connect with their customers and employees, which is a significant benefit.

Not surprisingly, digital signage has spread across various business types, from stores to restaurants. Knowing how to use digital signage for your business has become an invaluable skill.

Every effective digital signage rests on solid content designed to meet your desired goals. Digital signage content is flexible, lending itself to innovative ideas and creativity. There is a lot to do, reaching up to 25 great examples of content for digital signage.

However, innovative thinking must partner with excellence for the right result. Videos provide this excellent touch, but they shouldn’t hinder the content’s effectiveness.

Learn tips to create the best digital signage video content in the paragraphs that follow.

The Power of Video for Digital Signage

Videos are almost magical in the way they grab people’s attention. Even social media platforms prioritize videos over images, as the former gains more traffic.

As such, digital signage shines with quality videos. Don’t worry, videos are easy to add, especially with the right service. Our list of 11 best digital screen software solutions is a good place to start.

Also, set a messaging strategy in place, which guides your video. These videos can be simple or complex, depending on your objectives and strategies. Learn ways to improve your video content to gain more of its benefits.

Tips for creating Digital Signage videos

In this section, we explore 6 tips to help you make memorable videos. How will your videos stand out amongst others?

1. Ask Questions

Yes, videos are attractive, but they may miss the target if you don’t lay the foundation with good questions. What do you want to accomplish with your video? Ensure you clarify this before moving ahead. As stated above, also consider your target audience and message. Viewers’ preferences and reactions after a video are important as well.

These questions clarify your objective, resulting in more purposeful video content. They also act as guardrails, preventing any deviation from your goals. Aesthetics and goals should work together.

2. Measure the Length

Another factor to tick off your checklist is the video’s length. How long should the video last? Your goals and the signage’s location influence the length. A welcoming message might last only a few seconds, but waiting room videos last longer.

Longer videos need engaging content that can hold a viewer’s span for minutes. Shorter videos thrive on the spectacular, capturing the viewer’s attention in a few seconds.

Viewers generally have a short attention span, focusing more at the start of the video than at the end. In waiting rooms, viewers may become distracted with chats or thoughts.

Plan with the viewer’s attention span in mind. A structure can help maximize the length. Learn more about creating effective digital signage schedules.

3. Get the Aspect Ratio Right

The aspect ratio is important for video fitting. If the video’s aspect ratio doesn’t match the screen, the video will be distorted in many ways. A distorted video appeals to no customer, and you’ll likely get complaints. It also distracts from the content itself. A correct aspect ratio ensures that viewers stay focused on the message itself.

Most displays work with 16:9 for landscapes, while portraits use a 9:16 format. Digital signage videos are usually landscape, making portraits a challenge. However, you can also opt for portraits by using a smartphone to create the videos.

4. Mind the Edges

In addition to the aspect ratio, keep in mind the screen edges. If your content is too close to the edges, the screens may cut off important information. Using both landscape and portrait screens makes you particularly prone to edge issues. When information is affected by the screen edges, it gives your brand a poor image and hinders effective communication.

To avoid this issue, keep important information away from the edges, including logos and texts. Margins are useful for keeping information at the center. If you use different screen sizes, keep them in mind while positioning your information. Our 13 tips for designing the perfect digital sign board will be helpful.

5. Make Your content readable

Have you attempted to read a text at a distance and failed? It can be frustrating. If viewers feel the same frustration about your signage, they will tune out—that’s the end of their engagement.

Don’t expect your customers to be close enough to read without difficulty. Carefully choose the font and size. Preferred font types include Arial, Verdana, and Helvetica, all ideal for visibility. Font sizes should be around 20 to 30 points.

Consider contrast as well. Lighter texts do better with dark backgrounds and vice versa. Finally, avoid long texts. Pass your information in short sentences or bullet points.

6. Decide on sound

Examine the situation before deciding whether or not you should go for sound. Some videos work better in silence, adding a visual appeal to the background. Other presentations will require sound for effectiveness.

As such, environment matters. If the atmosphere drowns the signage’s sound, a silent video may be more effective. In quieter environments, sound may be appropriate. Professionalism matters too, as restaurants may use sounds differently from a school.

If you decide to use sound, ensure that the volume remains at an appropriate level. Your signage should entertain viewers, not annoy them.

Video Content Ideas

The above tips serve as basics, but feel free to research further. Video content needs a good dose of creativity, providing a competitive edge to other businesses that use digital signage.

Welcome unconventional ideas, while always aligning with your goals. You can decide to use only videos or alternate with images, depending on your target. In your plans, never forget your audience. Have a customer-centered approach, working on capturing their attention.

As content ideas, explore customer testimonials, behind-the-scene videos, promotions, and simple welcoming videos, amongst others. Learn more about making videos for digital signage here.


Digital signage is a wonderful tool for achieving a lot of objectives, and videos arguably remain the most appealing content for many viewers. These tips provide ample information for creating videos.

When combined with creativity and aesthetics, your videos can meet your desired outcomes, be it to inform, entertain, or create brand awareness.

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