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Digital Signage Design: Tips for the Design Process

Choosing digital signage for your business is an excellent decision. However, missteps in the design process can lead to significant issues, particularly for beginners. This concise guide, complete with practical tips, is here to assist you.

Digital signage thrives on professional design with strong visual appeal. While we're often told not to "judge a book by its cover," book publishers consistently invest in top-notch designs. Similarly, an eye-catching digital signage design can attract attention and potentially convert that traffic into customers.

Tips for the Design Process

Below are some tips you need for the design process of your digital signage.

1. Everything Starts With Your Audience

Digital signage is for your audience, not you. Thus, if you want effective signage that will make your target audience pause, you must begin by studying them. Of course, you should have known your target audience before venturing into your business.

Ask questions of your audience to gain deeper insight. Figure out their preferences, needs, behaviors, and even their attention span and attitude towards longer messages.

What attracts them, and what would repel them? Will they be interested in reading your signage, or will they move on? Also, consider basic information like age, demographic, and preferred content type.

An example of how an audience determines signage is by comparing what would draw in teenagers versus those in the corporate world.

Teenagers will largely prefer vibrant visuals, messages that capture current trends, and proper use of slang. This strategy would repel a more serious CEO who would go for signage with a professional touch.

2. Go for Simpler Designs

Complex designs are counterproductive and will hinder your progress and engagement with viewers. Effective digital signage aims for simplicity, focusing on one message per design. This focus enables you to prioritize necessary information and avoid clutter.

Aim for simplicity and easily readable language. Every word is important and should convey the overall message. After all, you have only a few seconds to make your case, so maximize it. Avoid fillers or unnecessary details.

Digital signage often follows the 3 x 5 rule. This works when three lines of text carry a maximum of five words in each line. Alternatively, five lines of text could carry three words each. This rule promotes conciseness, prevents clutter, and strengthens the message.

Another way to ensure the important message gets across is through a content hierarchy. Make the most important information stand out with larger fonts. As such, even if the viewer is in a hurry, they will grasp what you intend to convey.

3. Use the Right Font and Type

It is unfortunate when a brand formulates a strong message for its signage, yet uses the wrong font. Readability is crucial in your design, as viewers will often not want to strain their eyes.

Brand awareness also requires a specific font and type to ensure consistency. Sans-serif and large print are ideal, but not the only options. Serif fonts are better for longer texts, but for a short message, you can opt for sans-serif fonts.

Other fonts like script and display have their purpose. Script fonts add a personal touch but are not always ideal as they can be hard to read. Display fonts are decorative and may encounter similar readability problems as script fonts. Use italics only when needed, also due to readability concerns.

Your font choice also influences how the viewer will interpret the tone. Subtly, fonts can make a message sound professional, excited, feminine, hardcore, or convey whatever tone you desire.

For more comprehensive tips, check out our design tips for digital signage.

4. Make Text Visible

There must be a delicate balance between your visuals and the text. Because our brains process visuals faster than text, the former can overshadow the latter. This is what you must avoid.

It is often advisable to use text that moves slowly and is not obscured by the visuals. This will enable the viewer to read the text comfortably, even from a distance.

For more insights, refer to our complete guide to digital signage room schedules.

5. Do Not Ignore the Colors

Designs rise and fall with colors, and digital signage is no exception. Like the font, your color choice must reflect your brand’s uniqueness, maintaining consistency. The color should also be attractive, drawing in the viewer and stirring curiosity.

When selecting colors, opt for the right color palettes, usually those that contrast well. A common way to achieve this is by placing light-colored text against a dark background. This makes the text easier to read, which helps in drawing viewers.

Besides the color palette, you can get more ideas from our digital lobby sign tools post, which has additional tips.

6. Prioritize Quality Images and Graphics

Every successful business wants to be known for its quality. Join the league by opting for the best images and graphics.

Quality is non-negotiable if you want your brand to make a good impression. When the graphics reflect a high standard, viewers tend to trust the brand more. Excellence often equates to integrity.

Whether or not this judgment is fair, investing in quality increases the possibility of gaining long-term buyers. Hire an expert graphic designer or have a team dedicated to the task. If you wish to handle it yourself, ensure you have the necessary skills.

Other Considerations

Beyond the tips listed above, here are some other aspects to consider when designing signage:

  • Place elements where the eye naturally moves, usually from left to right. However, not all countries read this way, so it’s important to understand your audience's demographics.
  • More pixels tend to produce better picture quality and display resolution.
  • Consider the file size as well. Ideally, it should fall around 2-3 MB.

Final Thoughts

Once your digital signage is deployed, your task evolves. Continuously monitor and analyze its performance to ensure effectiveness.

Observe how your audience reacts to the signage. Is it meeting your intended objectives? Keep in mind that digital signage isn't just about looking good—it's a strategic brand tool designed to drive traffic and convert viewers into customers. Approach it as both a design element and a marketing strategy.

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